On-Line Products are In-Line with Themes


The products that I have on the site are a little, or maybe very personal. The products and the people who provide them have stories. Stories with important themes, that I happen to like.

Let me explain.

I want the products to resonate with the consumers, as they do with me, by focusing on themes.

Here come some adjectives to give you a better idea of the themes I promote. Sustainable, non-gmo, repurposed, local, organic, environmentally friendly, long-lasting and unique.

Let’s look at some examples.

Miski Organics https://miskiorganics.com/

2 sister – Lina & Mariella from Peru wanted to bring to Canadians SUPER FOODS.

Miski Organics® is a proudly family-owned Canadian company with Peruvian roots. Their company was born from the desire to make a difference in peoples’ lives by providing them with healthier food alternatives. Their core values include environmental sustainability, organic, and fair-trade practices.

Miski Organics® is an entrepreneurial, CDN job creation and health story all-in-one. Plus, their products are a great way to counteract afflictions like celiac disease (https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/celiac-disease/symptoms-causes/syc-20352220).

The Lake Hippie https://thelakehippie.ca/pages/about-us

Breanna is the founder of The Lake Hippie. She grew up in the Kawartha’s & has a profound love of all bodies water, especially lakes. 

Inspired to do better for the planet & our precious waterways, she sought out more sustainable textiles for her & her family that weren’t filled with harmful materials and micro-plastics.

Breanna ticks the local (Kawartha region) & sustainability boxes. Yes, the products are from Turkey, but they are well made and will last. We buy a product without realizing what they have done or will do to the environment. I like the sustainability and environmental themes.

The Bottom Line….er Sentence.

The themes are meant to make you think and look at your own actions and how they affect our World.  The themes behind the business stories may inspire you to start your own company or pause and read a content label before your next purchase. Will this change the World? Probably not, but it might slow down your decisions long enough that you consider all options.