“We are forging new partnerships with local businesses to enhance our community development goals after working with FriendLilySHOP. It is a positive, inspiring experience wherein unity truly shapes community…thank you FriendLilySHOP!”
- Community Care Peterborough - Lorri R.
Helped support fundraising efforts!
“FriendLilySHOP simplifies the process of sharing our narrative and providing locally sourced merchandise to support fundraising efforts. We've appreciated Jim's passion for helping us!”
- Kids Against Hunger Canada - Shirley D.
Helping the community!
"A great local business that supports the community and small businesses!"
- Stacey S.
A joy to collaborate with!
"We love working with you !! It makes me so happy to give back to our community!"
- Kyoto Coffee Roaster
Featured Products
What is FriendLilySHOP?
Helping small businesses & charities simultaneously
Empowering Small Businesses
Supporting small businesses by offering them a platform to reach a broader audience.
Impactful Philanthropy
We allow customers to not only acquire unique and meaningful products but also contribute (10% of price) to making a positive difference.
Curated Selection
We offer products that show the quality craftsmanship, artistic expression, and diverse styles of small business.
Community-Centric Approach
Community lies at the heart of everything we do and is our founding principle.
Have you heard about Kyoto Coffee? If not, you're in for a treat! This unique coffee company has caught our attention, and we are thrilled to announce our collaboration with them. Let's...
Have you heard about Kyoto Coffee? If not, you're in for a treat! This unique coffee company has caught our attention, and we are thrilled to announce our collaboration with them. Let's...
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